Whenever tourists arrive in Ranakpur they are often confused when it comes to book hotels in Ranakpur, but they need not worry anymore since Mana Hotel is the solution to this problem. The hotel is having a great lodging room along with outstanding services and delicious food. The best part about this hotel is that it offers so many indoor activities for keeping their guests engaged in hotel itself so that they didn't get bored spending time indoors. Some of these activities include swimming pool, board games, badminton, pool table, mini cinema hall (where you can also enjoy delicious food). You can also choose this hotel for your wedding. It will help you to celebrate your wedding occasion in a memorable way. There are other services that it will provide you when you choose to celebrate the wedding with this hotel that includes Meals and Catering, Tent House Services, Travel Planning and Gifting. The hotel is having a beverage facility of both indoor as well as outdoor. They have indoor dining restaurant named as Vari and outdoor dining restaurant named as Boond. In addition to that Mana Hotels is also having a facility of private dining. If you aspire to be a chef then you can also join their cooking classes that are conducted by highly qualified chefs at Boond restaurant.
Besides indoors Mana hotel will also help you explore famous Ranakpur tourist places such as Ranakpur Jain Temple, Kumbhalgarh fort. You can also explore in cultural activities such as camel charisma, Raika Home Visit, Wellness Tour. The wildlife safari of Mana Hotels is unbeatable, since Mana hotels works closely with forest department who are having in depth knowledge about this area for ensuring that the guests are having enjoyable experience having maximum possibility of sighting the leopard.
If anyone who is staying in Ahmedabad and wishes to explore Ranakpur during weekends then it is advisable to choose Mana Hotels for staying since it will provide you a perfect weekend getaways from Ahmedabad with its top quality facilities. The distance from Ahmedabad to Ranakpur is about for 6 hours and it is guaranteed that Mana Hotels won't let your traveling investment go in vain. You can grab the latest offer if you book now.
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